Welcome star-shine, the earth says 'Hello!' Join me on an cyber and photographic adventure, where we'll explore the depths of amateur photography and craziness of the cybery world. We'll go over some of the tips and techniques in creating your next piece of scenery or portrait. From pre to post shooting we'll test ourselves and push the comfortable bounds of our creativity and understanding.

I'm a 30-something geeky kid from the mountains of Colorado transplanted in western Washington. One who loves the photograph the natures and skylines. Photographing is a hobby of mine, something I wish to expand and to push myself more.

Dustgaard is a nickname that I received from my science teacher back in high school. He had taught my father and my aunts. This means I had the privilege to grow up in the same small town that my namesake family grew up in. I learned working hard and respect go a very long way in this world that does not necessarily embrace those virtues. I also started my long and persistence into the tech field.

Technology is the only subject I was able to absorb like a sponge. I have had several years of soaking up and tinkering around on older machines, doing my best at pushing their limits beyond what they were designed to do.

And then...

I had a side step in my career for almost 6 years, however that did not stop me from keeping up with the changes in the field and how they had affected the social balance of the general populous. Technology is something that is always changing, always improving, always evolving.

From past to the future and everything in between; I'll be using this site to explore anything that is interesting and amusing to me. Follow if you want, just don't expect brilliance all the time.

~ Dustgaard